Yeah.... "WTF" was stencil-painted on everything. Trash cans, carts, tools....
I'm guessing at Bethel Headquarters in Brooklyn everything was stenciled with WTH. (what the hades?)
i know that the farms have been around for decades but i was wondering if the watch tower farms ever abbreviate their name simply to wtf?
Yeah.... "WTF" was stencil-painted on everything. Trash cans, carts, tools....
I'm guessing at Bethel Headquarters in Brooklyn everything was stenciled with WTH. (what the hades?)
this is not intended to expose wrong teachings etc, just to promote thinking and asking questions.. 1) ask if imperfection and death automatically follow sin.
jw will answer yes.. 2) ask if satan is imperfect then.. 3) sit back and watch them try to work out what the right answer should be.. sf.
I hadn't looked at it that way before but I'm guessing a JW would say that Satan was/is a free moral agent and of his own free will, chose to sin. Because of his sin, he is no longer perfect and will eventually die. God has allowed him to live this long so that he can use the suffering and death of countless millions of humans,to prove his point to Satan. Once his point has been made, Satan's sin will be followed by death.
Am I the only one who didn't know there was a Pope who resigned? Where was I when all of this was going on? This must have been all over the news!
i mean, they're in a public place and may get blown into someone by the wind, perhaps hurting a child.
surely because of their position, some kind of public liability insurance or similar should cover the literature carts/trolleys?
other charities like oxfam require insurance, i'm pretty sure, or a licence..
In our City, this is considered a freedom of speech issue. If they are on a public sidewalk they aren't required to have a permit so long as they leave 4' of clear space on the sidewalk, but if their cart were to cause someone to trip, it would be a civil matter solely between the injured individual and the JW as to how to deal with the legalities. If you were standing on the sidewalk and someone tripped over your foot as they walked past, they could sue you and they could name the City in the lawsuit, but they wouldn't likely win unless some blatant negligence on the part of those named, could be proven.
When JW's put their carts on private property such as at a shopping center, they'd have to get permission to do so and the shopping center official becomes responsible for any injury that might occur as a result of allowing this activity to take place. This would likely be covered by the shopping center's Liability Insurance
In the case of the JW's carts on public sidewalks, if there were to be some accident, I'm guessing the Watchtower would throw the publisher under the bus and say that use of the literature cart is part of the individuals personal ministry and is done of their own volition. I'm guessing they'd say that the individual JW is therefore responsible for any outcome.
i've come across a jw friendly article about watchtower predicting smartphones in the 20s.. .
of course, in the comments section there are a lot of jws freaking out saying "there is no doubt that this is the only true organization!
", "thanks jehovah that used his faithful and discreet slave to tell us some useful information about the future!
The modern technologies we now enjoy were thought of long before most of us were born. Anyone reading popular science type magazines back then would have known about things like this.
I find it ironic, that while predicting the nearness of the end of the world in their own magazines, the folks at the Watchtower were simultaneously using information from "worldly" sources, to tout the availability of modern technologies they'd be using in the ministry, in a future that wasn't supposed to come about.
(P.S. Is it me or does the guy in the drawing look like a young Ronald Regan?)
i've been out almost 2 years now and consider myself wide awake to watchtower propaganda and well on my way to recovery from the mental abuse we've all experienced.. one thing that just will not go is that i constantly think of jwism and watchtower and get myself all annoyed at their lies and blatant twisting of facts in their broadcasts and magazines.
it's so bad that it's the first thing i think of when i wake up, then i have these mental arguments in my head proving the jw teachings false and then getting annoyed because no jw will listen even if you tried to tell them.
i call this constant thinking and mental reasoning and mental arguing "mindchatter".
When making a big change in your life, they say to allow 1 month for ever\y year that you were involved in the activity that is no longer part of your life. For instance, if you were at a job 10 years, you'd need to allow 10 months for that period of your life to be behind you so that it no longer has any bearing on your current life. So after 31 years of being "in" it may take you a little over 2.5 years to get over it.
Most people view the JW religion as being fanatical or cult-like. If you are having obsessive thoughts about JW's it's because you/we were systematically "indoctrinated" or "inculcated" as they like to call it.
As with all obsessive thoughts, you'll need to train yourself to get them under control. It might be a good idea to set aside a time each day where you allow yourself to think about JW related matters. Each time you have an unwanted JW argument in your head during the day, you can remind yourself that you're only allowed to think about those things during your designated time of day. Later, at that designated time, jot the topic down in a notebook and include your counter argument and then put it aside. That way these thoughts will have had a conclusion, rather than circling around in your mind, further ingraining them into your subconscious. Close the note book and say out loud or to yourself, " I have control of my thoughts and I decide what I'm going to think about". You can also make this (or something similar) a "Mantra" that you use during the day when you catch yourself thinking unwanted thoughts.
Eventually this healthy habit will replace the unhealthy one you've fallen into. that of obsessively thinking of all things JW. as they randomly enter your head. Eventually you'll be able to dismiss these and other unwanted thoughts from you mind as they arise.
so i have been "faded" for approximately 2.5 years.
my parents know i haven't attended a meeting in quite some time, but don't know that i have been dating a guy for about eight months.
we really love each other and his family is super sweet.
I don’t know your age or the circumstances but I am curious as to why your boyfriend’s parents want or need to meet your parents when you aren’t even engaged. I could understand your boyfriend wanting to meet your parents himself, but I’m not sure why his parents need to meet yours at this time. especially since their son hasn’t even met your parents yet.
You could tell your boyfriend’s family that you’ll introduce your parents to them sometime in the future when your relationship has progressed to that point or you could simply explain the situation to them and tell them that your parents are lovely people but they are involved in a very strict religious organization that prohibits dating outside the religion and it would complicate things for you right now if you were to meet them at this point.
Perhaps you could show them a few photos of your family and your self with them so they get the idea and perhaps that will be enough for them for now .
i just now went to get meat from my fridge to cook, took the meat out & shut the door as i shut the door i thought i saw a piece of rope in the six pack i had just opened & had removed 2 cans, already drunk 1.. open the door again & there i saw what i thought was a piece of rope, but i look a bit closer ...... shit it's a friggin snake, bugger i had only just taken two cans out wtf.. .
My guess is that it had probably crawled in the cardboard packaging while it was still at the cannery or enroute to the store and the cold kept it stunned or too sluggish to move or need any nourishment. Sort of like suspended animation.
when in conversion, you sometimes get carried away and the talk becomes all about you.. then, you remember you're in a conversation, say you're sorry, and allow the other person to talk.
she goes on about what's happening in her life, you listen and ask some questions.
she tells you more and then shifts the dialogue back to you.
One uppers and know-it-alls are are particularly annoying to to those of us who actually have done everything and truly do know everything.
One uppers come across as thinking they are better than you but in reality you need to be patient with them because they don't think they are better than you at all. In fact, they view you as someone who is higher up on the imaginary social ladder and who is worthy of impressing.
There's a guy at work like that, no matter what you say, if hasn't done it better himself, he knows someone who has .
Him: Oh, I never check luggage when I's strictly carry on for me.
I usually make some sort of joke out of what he's saying and once he sees I couldn't give two rat's asses about anything like that, he backs off.
Me: Me too, I usually stuff everything into a black garbage bag and drag it on the plane with me.
prompted by one of our fellow posters- jrjw who started a thread asking how to remove "kingdom melodies" from our head, this song title came to mind!
(sorry for the earworm everyone😉).
it got me thinking.
It's crazy the things you can remember all these years later.
Let's watch how we walk and watch how we talk,
that thus we may be alert and wise,
buying out the opportune time, since this world in Satan lies,
yes watch watch how we walk and watch how we talk that thus we may be alert and wise.
Let's watch were we preach and watch where we teach,
Encourage meek ones to take their stand,
by our bible studies with them,
Give them all a helping hand,
Let's watch how we greet and watch how we treat,
all those we meet in our ministry,
Like Christ Jesus our fine shepherd,
Care for his sheep lovingly,
Yes watch how we greet and watch how we treat,
and stumble none in our ministry.
When I was a kid my brother and I used to alter the kingdom songs. :
"Lets watch where we schlep and watch where we step, there's dog crap out in our ministreee"